Montpelier, VT – It is with deep regret that we are informing you of the postponement of the Vermont Captive Insurance Industry trade mission to Mexico City, Mexico on March 24, 2020. We have been closely monitoring the situation around the COVID-19 virus, and, after many hours of conversation internally and consultation with state and federal government officials in the U.S. and Mexico, we have decided to postpone the event out of an abundance of caution. This difficult decision was made out of deep concern for the health and well-being of our registrants and colleagues.
We would like to thank the U.S. Commercial Service for helping organize and coordinate the event, as well as the many corporate leaders and industry executives who have registered to attend the educational forum and related engagements. We are deeply committed to the growing the captive insurance concept in Latin America and will work diligently to reschedule the event in Mexico City once this public health emergency has been removed.
Thank you for your patience. We will be keeping you apprised of the new date of our educational program and look forward to providing you with information about the strategic advantages and benefits of captive insurance.