Nestled within the Green Mountains of Vermont lies an industry that few even realize is there—one that is constantly adapting, that helps large and small businesses as well as nonprofits succeed and that requires curiosity, creativity and collaboration from the people who work within it. Oh, and one that offers a healthy median annual wage of $91,000. Interested?

Let's Connect

What is captive insurance?

Instead of paying insurance premiums to commercial insurers, the parent company can then pay those premiums into their own captive, managing their own risks and paying their own claims. In doing so, the parent company is effectively structuring a more efficient way to finance their specific risk needs and gains better business advantages than it would with traditional one-size-fits-all commercial insurance.

Often, companies seek to form a captive because the price of commercial insurance is exorbitant and/or they can’t retain insurance because of the types of services they offer. With a captive, companies have better control over their own program, gain the ability to realize investment returns on premiums paid in, and can continue to offer a needed service to society.

Captive 101

“Here in Vermont, you find people who not only fully understand what you think and want, but who also provide you with a solution. That’s the best you can get.”

—Deyna Feng Director, Captive Programs | Cummins Inc.

One of a kind

For over 40 years, Vermont has earned its reputation as the captive industry’s Gold Standard. We were one of the first and always strive to be the best.

3rd largest domicile for captives worldwide

#1 domicile worldwide

8x Domicile of the Year award winner

10x Domicile of the Year award winner

Home to the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA), the world’s largest captive insurance trade association

Home to the Vermont Captive Insurance Association (VCIA), the world’s largest captive insurance trade association

Work with over half of the Fortune 100 and Dow 30 companies

Work with over half of the Fortune 100 and Dow 30 companies

Home to the International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE), providing in-depth educational offerings and a professional designation for the captive industry

Home to the International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE), providing in-depth educational offerings and a professional designation for the captive industry

Our captive service professionals are highly supportive of each other, creating a real family-like community

Our captive service professionals are highly supportive of each other, creating a real family-like community

Vermont’s captive industry employee turnover is very low. Once people find their place within it, they rarely want to leave!

Vermont’s captive industry employee turnover is very low. Once people find their place within it, they rarely want to leave!

This is an image.

An official committee of the VCIA and proudly sponsored by the Vermont Department of Economic Development, the Vermont Captive Insurance Emerging Leaders is a collaborative focused on recruiting the next generation of captive professionals through engagement and networking

“Working for DFR has been a remarkable experience. My knowledge has grown immensely through exposure to various types of captives and their industries. The DFR staff is incredibly knowledgeable and always willing to answer questions.”

—Peter Wernhoff Insurance Examiner II | Captives, Vermont Department of Financial Regulation

The captive industry is far from boring.

When you have seen one captive, you have seen one captive.

Businesses of all different types and industries come to us to solve a wide variety of problems, and because new risks evolve as our world does (think cyberattacks and climate change), we are always adapting those solutions. We are constantly interacting with high level executives and thought leaders, running and managing what are essentially, customized insurance companies within larger businesses. This is challenging, but also eye-opening and interesting, giving us an opportunity to learn everyday.

Vermont keeps its captive industry engaging through:

  • Travel opportunities (nationally and internationally)
  • Networking through industry conferences
  • Continuing education
  • Making a positive impact within society
  • Helping large and small businesses and nonprofits succeed
  • A very collegial atmosphere
  • Developing long-term relationships with team members and clients
  • Unlimited advancement opportunities
Let's Connect

The captive industry offers a wide range of careers.

Captives are supported by service providers and need to have both technical and non-technical support. These various positions fit different personality types and meet varying intellectual interests. Such careers in the captive industry are:

  • Business development
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Actuarial, insurance and
reinsurance structuring
  • Claims oversight
  • State examination and regulation
  • Accounting management
  • Audit accounting and tax planning
  • Captive management
  • Investment management
  • Law


See student internship opportunities »

Learn more about each role

“With the growth and evolution of the captive insurance marketplace, as a leader, Vermont has experienced a full spectrum of ways in which organizations across every industry sector manage their risks.”

—Sandy Bigglestone Deputy Commissioner | Captive Insurance Division

Vermont’s culture and lifestyle:

In addition to the great opportunities, benefits and salaries offered in the captive industry, we recognize the importance of work-life balance and stability. Many people in the industry have been involved for decades and have no plans to leave! And, Vermont has an endless variety of recreational opportunities. Whether you’re a skier, a mountain biker or a casual stroller, we have the sites and scenery to satisfy all your needs. Check out what else Vermont has to offer:

  • Consistently ranked one of the safest places to live and one of the best states to raise a family in
  • We celebrate diversity & embrace community
  • Our small population fosters opportunities for you to have a meaningful impact
  • Over 70% of Vermont is forested so you can get your outdoor on
  • Microbreweries, farm-to-table restaurants, sugarhouses abound
  • Easy drive to Montreal, Boston or New York
Explore VT

Have we piqued your interest?

Check out the resources below to dive deeper into what your career in the captive industry could look like and discover the impact captives have on the world around us.

Vermont’s captive industry:

the best career path you’ve probably never heard of

Read Now

Industry initiatives:

inspiring the next generation

Read Now

On-demand webinar:

Vermont’s captive industry: The best career path you’ve probably never heard of

Watch Now

Captive as a career:

an informative one-sheet


Captive Spotlight Series:

you can have your cake and eat it too

Read Blog

Butler University's student-run captive:

the world's first student-run captive—now domiciled in Vermont!

Read the article

Job links:

find your next career!

ICCIE Captive Career Center

Captive insurance service providers:

discover more about various careers within the captive industry


Let’s connect

Interested in learning more about a career in Vermont’s captive industry? Reach out via the form below to connect with a representative of Vermont Captive Insurance Emerging Leaders, an official committee of the VCIA and proudly sponsored by the Vermont Department of Economic Development.

“What I find engaging is the variety of work I get to do on a day-to-day basis...I enjoy getting to work with risk management departments for large corporations and smaller companies across so many different industries.”

—Maigh Wright Actuarial Consultant & Vice President | Marsh Captive Solutions | Actuary

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